Impactgreat Recruitment Agency

Impactgreat Recruitment Agency is an online global full-service organization with a unique approach of helping job seekers find a job best suited for their skills and interests, and helping local and foreign companies locate perfect employees. There really is no need to go through the hiring process on your own. We use modernized technology to connect local and foreign job seekers to local and foreign companies. Impactgreat Recruitment Agency provides professional services to job-seekers and employers. And with our longevity, we've learned that staffing is not a numbers game - it's a relationship-building business. That's why we put an emphasis on listening, guiding and matching. We offer tailor-made solutions to meet your individual needs.

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Recruitment Associate Job Description  Summary  We are looking for an associate recruiter to join the team at Impactgreat. The ideal candidate will be comfortable meeting new people frequently and have an ability to determine a candidate's potential through clever questions. They should have excellent organizational skills in order to build an...

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This is the official website of Impactgreat Recruitment Agency. Here, you can apply for jobs of your choice easily at no cost. You can contact us by phone - or email us on i***************@g*****.com or use the Contact Form.

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